Hey girl, HEY!

I'm Leslie Medley

Human being above all, Embodiment Coach, Integrative Healing Guide, Worldwide Speaker, World Traveler, Passionate Mama, Forever Student 

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Free yourself to be, YOU!

My name is Leslie Medley. I love nothing more than supporting women come alive in their purpose and live out why their soul came here to begin with.

I deeply believe when each one of us embodies our uniqueness, living in our purpose having the impact we are meant for- that is when the world becomes a better place.

I am on a bold mission to redefine the American Dream to a dream that is possible for everyone ands unique to YOU and your soul contract. One where impact trumps titles. Where joy and rest is prioritized. Where experiences matter more than things. Where you are living a life true to you and your deepest heart's desire. Free to be, YOU and all that God made you to be. 

My Values:


One of my #1 values is FREEDOM. Internal and external freedom. The liberation within to just BE in peace in the present moment. The freedom of time, location, and money which is why I continue to take scary step and messy action to live a life out of the norm on my own terms.


Freedom feeds unlocked self expression. Being able to truly be who I am without altering myself just for the sake of acceptance is of my biggest driving forces and desires for ALL women. To say, be, and express who you are in any moment, in any room.

Personal Growth

I am a forever student with a big drive to learn, grow and develop. Being the fullest, biggest, BEST version of me requires the inner work and personal development. Even as a mom, I prioritize ME and my mental, emotional, spiritual sate so that I CAN show up as the best me for my daughter, my partner and my community.


Sisterhood is sacred and has been the biggest catalyst for growth. Creating and being witnessed in life minded community IS the difference maker. We aren't mean to do this life alone. Something profound and magical happen when women come together in safe spaces to be witnessed, held and to vulnerably share. 

Where it all started

Graduated from Nursing School specializing in Trauma, Burn and Intensive Care. Spending the next two years as a certified critical care travel nurse. My first love and deep passion. My first taste of why my soul came here... to provide safe spaces for deep trauma healing.


Graduated from Nursing School specializing in Trauma, Burn and Intensive Care. Spending the next two years as a certified critical care travel nurse. My first love and deep passion. My first taste of why my soul came here... to provide safe spaces for deep trauma healing.


After a summer of backpacking in Southeast Asia in 2016, I was left with a new perspective on life, a cracked open heart and the burning question: How can I have the freedom to do as I desire, regularly playing in my passion, living a life I actually LOVE, having the impact I know I am here to make? I ended up making the bold leap of faith, leaving my stable and certain career as a registered nurse to just 'go for it' and begin traveling and living out of a backpack while I built my online coaching and retreat business from the ground up (with no experience haha)


The most expansive years of my life. Studying yoga at the base of the Himalayas in India, Silent Meditation in Nepal, Trekking for weeks at a time the Himalayas, diving deep in the oceans, island living, immersing myself in cultures from around the world, hosting sold-out adventure yoga retreats and living in Bali, Indonesia. Fulfilling that burning question. Living a life of my dreams in my passion and purpose.


The year it all changed. For all of us. The same week the pandemic hit in California where I moved on yet another leap of faith after my time abroad. My life partner and business partner left and moved to another state, my business started falling apart, and everything I had created came crashing down. This was the turning point I will never forget. A year long opportunity to isolate and be with everything that came to the surface during my mass and rapid awakening and heal once and for all without numbing, avoiding, leaving, or getting busy.

Present Day

After a year of deep trauma healing myself I attracted and met the love of my life, who is now the father to my daughter. The cosmic joke of it all... I am now a mother! NONE of the life I am living now was on my vision board, in my conscious awareness and actually a life I resisted for so long. After taking a deeper look at the mother wounds I held and the flight and freeze patterns that overtook my life from years of abandonment and loss as a child and young adult I was on a lifelong path of body-based healing and rewriting the script of my life. 

I am now in a space of deep trust with myself and my ever unfolding path paired with sacred surrender of how it all looks. I have offered myself and my life to God's Divine Plan for my life.

I now get to serve women from all over the world to do the same. To unlock their truest expression, love themselves deeply and trust the unfolding of their adventurous life. To co-create their dream life in their power & purpose re3defining how it is done for generations to come! 

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